Life to Afterlife: Death and Back
1hr 22mins
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This is a moving documentary with refreshingly straight-from-the-heart interviews of people who have died. These are true, life-changing, phenomenal stories that you won't soon forget.


The documentary "Life to Afterlife: Death and Back" explores near-death experiences (NDEs) and the profound impact they have on individuals' beliefs about life after death. It delves into personal accounts of those who have gone through NDEs and examines the scientific and spiritual implications of these experiences.

Tru Perspective:

This documentary, "Life to Afterlife: Death and Back," offers intriguing accounts of near-death experiences that merit thoughtful consideration from a Christian perspective. Some testimonies align with biblical descriptions of heaven and the presence of God, potentially affirming the reality of an afterlife. The Christian worldview teaches a dualistic reality: there is both a spiritual realm and a material realm, each equally real. As humans, we embody both, being comprised of body and soul/spirit. This documentary may reinforce this understanding of our nature.

However, viewers should approach the content with discernment. The film presents a universalist worldview that may conflict with Christian teachings on salvation through Christ alone. It's important to weigh these accounts against Scripture and recognize that personal experiences, while compelling, should not supersede biblical authority.

As with many spiritual explorations outside of orthodox Christianity, it's wise to "chew the meat and spit out the bones," embracing elements that align with biblical truth while carefully evaluating those that don't. This approach allows us to appreciate insights that reinforce our faith while maintaining a firm grounding in Christian doctrine.

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Craig McMahon
Craig McMahon