In Charles Dickens' classic tale, an orphan wends his way from cruel apprenticeship to den of thieves in search of a true home.
Oliver Twist (1948) is a classic British film adaptation of Charles Dickens' novel, directed by David Lean. It tells the story of Oliver, a young orphan boy who escapes from a harsh workhouse and travels to London in search of a better life. However, Oliver quickly falls into the hands of Fagin, a manipulative criminal who trains young boys to become pickpockets. Alongside the villainous Bill Sikes and the kind-hearted Nancy, Oliver's fate teeters between crime and salvation. The film is a powerful exploration of poverty, exploitation, and the resilience of the human spirit, set against the backdrop of Victorian England.
This sci-fi horror film is mildly intense but largely free from graphic violence or disturbing scenes by modern standards. Pre-teens and older children who enjoy classic monster movies would likely find it engaging without being overly scary.